Cervical Spondylosis Specialist
Neck pain is extremely common. It can be caused by many things, and is most often related to getting older.
Like the rest of the body, the bones in the neck (cervical spine) slowly degenerate as we age. This frequently results in arthritis. Arthritis of the neck is called cervical spondylosis.
Cervical spondylosis is the degeneration of the joints in the neck. It becomes increasingly more common as people age. More than 85% of people over age 60 are affected.
Although it is a form of arthritis, cervical spondylosis rarely becomes a crippling or disabling type.
Understanding your spine and how it works can help you better understand cervical spondylosis.
Cervical Spondylosis FAQ
What Causes Cervical Spondylosis?
Disc Degeneration and Bone Spurs
As we age, the **discs in the spine** begin to **dry out and weaken**, leading to **disc collapse** and loss of disc space height.
Over time, **facet joints** undergo increased pressure, causing them to **degrade and develop arthritis** similar to the hip or knee joint. When the protective cartilage wears away completely, **bone spurs (osteophytes)** may form, leading to **spinal stenosis** and nerve compression.
What Are The Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis?
Pain from cervical spondylosis can range from **mild to severe**. It is often worsened by activities like **driving or reading** and improved with rest.
Common Symptoms Include:
- Neck pain and stiffness (worse with activity).
- Numbness and weakness in the **arms, hands, and fingers**.
- Balance problems or **weakness in the legs**.
- Muscle spasms in the **neck and shoulders**.
- Headaches originating from the neck.
- Grinding or popping sounds with neck movement.
What Are The Treatment Options For Cervical Spondylosis?
Nonsurgical Treatment
Physical Therapy
A structured **6-8 week program** with **neck traction and posture correction** can help **relieve symptoms and improve mobility**.
- **Acetaminophen (Tylenol)** for mild pain relief.
- **NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Naproxen)** for pain and inflammation.
- **Muscle relaxants (Cyclobenzaprine, Carisoprodol)** for painful muscle spasms.
Soft Collars
Short-term use can **reduce movement and allow the neck to rest**, but **long-term use can weaken muscles**.
Ice, Heat, & Other Therapies
Localized **heat, cold therapy, massage, or acupuncture** can provide temporary pain relief.
Steroid-Based Injections
Short-term relief for **severe inflammation** and nerve pain:
- Cervical Epidural Block – Reduces nerve inflammation caused by **herniated discs or spinal stenosis**.
- Cervical Facet Joint Block – Targets the **facet joints** to relieve arthritic pain.
- Medial Branch Block & Radiofrequency Ablation – Diagnoses and treats **chronic neck pain** by disrupting pain signals.